Each week a site called BabyCenter emails us an update, which, among other things, likens the size of our fetuses to various fruits and nuts. Those above represent weeks ten through twelve, and coincidentally seem like they might also go nicely together in a compote. Jeanne's been feeling good recently, with the exhaustion of the first trimester starting to finally wane. And we're anticipating with excitement and lessening trepidation our next big appointment, on February 5th, when we'll find out the sex of the little whippersnappers. In an exciting development, Lin's mom Patty is going to fly in from Oregon for a couple of days to attend the appointment with us. At our wedding Patty hit it off famously with my stepmother, Patti, and wanted to see her, so we invited her along too!
My nerves are still a bit on edge, and it didn't help that I got really sick this past week, finally having to submit to antibiotics. It had been a long, lingering chest cold lasting for weeks that reared into a flu-like banshee at the end. My fever's almost gone and I'm actually feeling better than in a while now, so that's nice. And the nerves, really, they're fine, to be expected...normal, everyone says.
In totally unrelated news, we went to Saturday Night Live last weekend. A friend was unable to use his tickets and with the help of an acquaintance who works for the show we got them transferred over. Martin Short was in rare form as the host, and Paul McCartney was the musical guest. The stage where the band plays is to the left of the main stage, and our seats were in front of the piano he used for the first number, a sweet, recent love song called "My Valentine". I'd had a funny interaction with Sir Paul while getting frozen yogurt a couple of summers ago in Amagansett; there were few people around and suddenly I'd locked eyes with someone that turned out to be him. Pretty much involuntarily I said, "Hi there..." and he responded with a long "Hiiiii." It was surreal. Anyway, he also played with the remaining members of Nirvana in the Kurt role, like he had earlier in the week for the Sandy benefit. At one point I asked Lin who it was that had formed a tight circular huddle just a few feet beneath us, where the stage entrance/exit was; when the huddle broke it was Paul and Dave and Krist that emerged, and made for the stage to play. It was a sight to see, and the song was pretty good too - Paul can still wail. Also after the show wrapped, Paul and his band took the stage again and played not one but two(!) Beatles songs, "Birthday" and "Get Back" - by that point all the chairs had been cleared out from the floor, and probably 200 staffers, vips, and who-knows-who, occupied the floor and it was an exhilarating 8-minute concert. I won't soon forget it, and I also won't forget how genuinely cool and humble and playful and sweet Paul McCartney is. Good egg, him.
But all in all, things are good. The holiday season has revved up, the city is filled with shoppers jamming up the works, and there's plenty to be cheerful for. A work trip of mine to Idaho got cancelled, replaced with what will be my last trip to the Hamptons, followed by a final trip to the Bahamas. Followed by a couple of more weeks at work in the city and then... on to a little rest and then something new, to be determined...
Merry Christmas!